How it works



A-Team comes integrated with Microsoft Teams. So you can use it within the Microsoft Teams communication platform. All approvals and alerts are notified in Microsoft Teams itself. Be it a laptop, tablet, or mobile, an impeccable user experience is guaranteed. Moreover, the Dynamics 365 or the Microsoft Power Platform version of A-Team can be used without MS Teams

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Deployment and installation

Get the integrated Microsoft HR software, A-Team, up and running by installing the managed solution in your environment. After installing, just fill in enrollment variables like Sharepoint, IDs and group IDs. Post-installation, enter the app session and add it to any team in your organization.

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A trial license for A-Team allows you to access it for a period of one month. During this time, HR and employees can use and customize the application. After that, upgrade the license as per your requirements for a seamless experience.

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Data & Security

A-Team comes integrated within the Microsoft Dynamics 365 HR platform and hence Security is in the best of hands. Data ownership lies with the Client itself in their own tenant.

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User authorization

The integrated Microsoft HR software provides admin-level and employee-level user access. Access levels can be controlled by the owner of the team where this app is installed or simply updating access via the App. While HR can configure the core records, employees have access to features like leaves and attendance. You can introduce more access levels easily by customizations.

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It's easy to add a user to the app. Either onboard people directly from the app by creating an Office 365 account or add them to the team where you’ve installed the app. A-Team's easy-to-understand interface makes onboarding users as simple as it could be.

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Attendance & Leaves

A-Team provides admin-level and employee-level user access. Access levels can be controlled by the owner of the team where this Microsoft Dynamics integrated HR Application is installed or simply updating access via the App. While HR can configure the core records, employees have access to features like leaves and attendance. You can introduce more access levels easily by customizations. A-Team also provides an integrated leave management system using Power Apps.

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Company related

A-Team offers lot of functionalities like adding departments, designations, holidays, assets, configuring approvals, alerts and leaves in the simplest way possible. All Employee/ Company files can be stored within A-Team and accessed via SharePoint.

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A-Team offers a comfortable offboarding experience for an employee with checklists that track all formalities to be completed without a miss. For an HR, its just a click of a button again.

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Shift management

Create shift schedules for your employees with the editable Shift template. Define the start and end times, break hours and the resources its applicable for. Manage shifts effectively with the highly customizable features.

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